Friday, September 11, 2009

A Different Look at Cancer.

Now, right off the bat I must state that I do not treat disease. I deal in building health. But knowledge is power, man. And if you have a little knowledge on this subject, it might make you less likely to ever have to hear these fateful words from your doctor, “we found a mass and it is malignant.” So it is to this backdrop that I decided to present some interesting data on the subject of cancer. I hope you find it helpful and that you never hear those aforementioned words from your doctor. GJL

Over the last several years, I have had a number of associates and friends diagnosed with cancer. It is a horrible position to be in for sure. You have the immediate feeling of dread and doom and the uncertainty of how best to handle the problem. I have always said that it is way easier to prevent cancer than it is to treat it. The same holds true for heart disease and diabetes, incidentally. But to prevent something, you would have to know what the causes are.

In this article I am going to present an overview of what causes cancer and what cancer actually is. I warn you now that this is a different perspective on cancer and one that may not receive widespread acknowledgement from the media, or for that matter your local doctor. It is a simple view of a malady that has become epidemic in its scope and the number of people it affects.

Funny, but just one hundred years ago you barely heard of cancer. Maybe people died of other causes back then, or maybe medical science was not developed enough to diagnose it correctly. Whatever the case, what we can now say is that cancer is our number two killer in this country, just behind heart disease. So to this I say there must be something that we are missing on this disease we call cancer.

Let’s start by taking a bit of a different view of what cancer is. The following is condensed from research from Dr. William Donald Kelly, DDS, one of the pioneers of the field of metabolic typing. I would also recommend going on the internet and watching the film “A World Without Cancer” by G. Edward Griffin to give you even more data on the subject.

Dr. Kelly’s research shows that cancer cells are a normal primitive germ cell growing normally in the wrong place. How does this happen? It is an excess of female sex hormones that bring about a change of a basic cell into a cancer cell.

See both men and woman have both male and female sex hormones. And both men and woman, children and adults have cancer cells, they are there in everybody and they serve a purpose. The problem arises when the delicate balance of these hormones is disrupted and thus cancer can develop.

Follow me for a minute here while I explain the cycle that Kelly describes: In the human life cycle the male sperm unites with the female egg. If this fertilized egg would grow directly into a new baby, we would have no cancer or cancer problems. However nature does not act that simply and directly, for if she did, the newly formed embryo (baby), not being attached to anything, would fall directly out of the uterus. Therefore nature had to develop some way to attach the embryo to the wall of the uterus as well as some way to nourish it.

During the first three days of pregnancy, the cancer cells are growing very rapidly and surround the other cells. That’s right I said cancer cells. Cancer cells are normal cells, that produce a new body or baby, or in the case of cancer, a new growth or tumor. This new baby will fall out of the uterus unless something happens fast. And so it does happen fast, these cancer cells metastasize as cancer cells do and attach to the wall of the uterus. Now the baby cannot fall out of the uterus. You see, nature at work. Brilliant! The cancer cells continue to grow rapidly and form the placenta. This provides nourishment and a way for the baby to continue to grow safe and sound.

The cancer cells continue to grow until about the seventh week when the baby’s pancreas develops. The baby’s enzymes production from its pancreas and the mother’s enzymes production stop the growth of the cancer. (The role of pancreatic enzymes in cancer is gone into in detail in the video “A World Without Cancer.”) This is now a signal for any change in basic cells to stop and to migrate to the ovaries.

If they fatigue and do not reach the ovaries, any one of these cells is a potential cancer. This is why cancer can form in any part of the body. All that is needed is an imbalance of sex hormones and the cells will start to build a baby in the wrong place. (It has been reported that in autopsies of some cancer victims, they have found teeth and hair in the tumors.) When it is all said and done, cancer is normal growth of tissue (placenta) due to development of a basic cell in the wrong place (outside the uterus).

There are key nutrients you need to prevent cancer, as well as key lifestyle habits you should develop to stay healthy. Stay tuned for more on this subject in the future.

Yours in Good Health:
Guy La Brusciano

Sunday, August 30, 2009

You Can't Please Everyone

It has recently come to my attention that despite the numerous benefits that the Fitness The Right Way website has already brought to so many people, there is a blogger out there who is attempting to discredit not just Fitness The Right Way, but the entire subject of health and fitness.

The blog is called Living Large with Gary Montague – Alternatives to a Healthy Lifestyle. The name says it all. The only alternative to healthy living is unhealthy dying. Certainly any person, Mr. Montague included, has the right to pursue happiness in whatever manner they see fit.

However, the fact is that anyone out there can start enjoying a healthier life by just walking for 30 minutes a day, just a few times a week. In Mr. Montague’s defense, that’s a half hour that could be used playing video games, or watching TV or cyber-stalking.

Fitness The Right Way will continue to educate and help those who can see that health and fitness increase the quality of people’s lives.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The 7 Steps to Sticking to Your Exercise Program

1. When engaging in a new exercise program always start off at a very low level. I will start a new exerciser with as little as 10-15 minutes of aerobic exercise at a very low intensity.

The same goes for weight training. I will only have them do one set of each exercise at a very comfortable weight when first starting.

2. Progress at a slow but consistent pace. As an example I will have a person add one minute to their aerobic workout time each session.

For weight training I will often have the person progress by adding one extra repetition each workout up to a maximum number at which point they would add weight and then drop the repetitions back down.

3. Educate yourself in the area. This will raise your certainty about what you are doing and help you to stick to it. Be sure to look up any words that you encounter that you do not fully understand when studying the area.

4. Exercise with a friend. Having a friend to exercise with will increase your likelihood of sticking with your program. Make sure it is someone who has similar goals to you so as to ensure a program that will yield results for both of you.

5. Set goals and targets for yourself. This gives you the game to play.

6. Keep some weekly statistic or measure of how you are doing. This could be weighing yourself or measuring how much more time you are able to do on the treadmill, etc. This measures how well you are doing at the game.

7. The most effective way to stick with an exercise program is to hire a coach or personal trainer. Make sure it is someone who knows how to assess your current fitness level and that they do an initial evaluation to ascertain any injuries or limitations you may have. They should also record your current statistics (weight, measurements, body fat etc) so they can gauge your progress on the program. If they really know what they are doing you should experience only a minimum amount of muscle soreness while getting a challenging workout.
Fitness The Right Way
PO Box
Studio City,Ca 91604
United States

Monday, June 8, 2009

Why People Stop Exercising

The reason why seventy percent of people quit their exercise programs after the first workout lies in the fact that most people get extremely sore after this initial workout. It is really that simple, the person was very excited to be in the gym and in this excitement they did too much too soon.

Or the person may have joined a gym where they are given an initial workout with a trainer as part of their membership. Unfortunately this “trainer” is not always a trained professional but more likely an exercise enthusiast or someone very new to the field who mistakenly thinks he needs to give them a workout that will make them sore. Or this “trainer” does not take the time to ascertain their current fitness level, taking into account any injuries or limitations the person may have. Or they do not review the person’s exercise history and as a result they prescribe a routine that it is way too steep for the person to do. Even when the person says he likes being sore the end result is still a diminished desire to exercise and eventually stopping the activity.

Why a person stops exercise lies in the fact that they have done too much too soon. It was not a proper level or gradient for the person and they give it up. Often there are things that the person does not understand that compound this. Add to this a feeling of uncertainty of whether what they are doing is going to yield the results they are looking for and you get a high attrition rate amongst new exercisers. Having a coach helps to greatly reduce this phenomenon.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

About Guy La Brusciano

Guy LaBrusciano, Fitness The Right Way

Phone Number: 818-304-7278

With over 20 years experience, numerous certifications and years of training in health and fitness, I’m here to bring you Fitness The Right Way. My purpose is to give you information on health, nutrition and exercise that will help you to have more energy, improve your health while looking and feeling great.

Education is the key, so make sure you check out my website, and read the blogs and video logs for articles and ideas on how to achieve peak health and fitness.

If you have any questions that you don't find the answer to than you can always e-mail me directly and I will try to get it answered in the next blog or video log.

Every day at Fitness The Right Way we answer questions just like these:

What is the best aerobic exercise to do?

With Fitness The Right Way you will get an aerobic exercise program and diet plan to lose weight and for fast fat reduction that will also help you reduce cholesterol naturally

How can I lose weight?

You will definitely get tips on losing weight, but more importantly you will gain muscle and reduce fat. You will reduce belly fat and you will lose thigh fat along with an overall program of improved health and fitness designed specifically for you. You will discover how your own unique body chemistry will allow you to find the best food for weight loss for your particular body type.

Tags: Guy LaBrusciano, Guy, LaBrusciano, GuyLaBrusciano, Guy La Brusciano, La Brusciano, Fitness The Right Way, FittnessTheRightWay, fitness the right way, weight loss, functional training, Postural Realignment, Metabollically correct dietary programs, Body Fat Reduction, exercise, metabolism, exercise program.